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April 05, 2007


John Earnhardt


I agree that more information is better and we should let people choose what information they want to access and not access based on the contents own merits. However, we also need to respect that we don't live in these other countries that we might disagree with and cannot fully understand their culture. To us, it is a no-brainer, but to the Thai people, maybe they get a great satisfaction out of viewing their King as a great and just man and anyone who says differently could be just a huge Thai buzz killer. Who knows? What I do know, however, is that I love Thai food. So I say, Long Live the King!!!


As for monarchies blocking Youtube, I don't think censorship is hardly ever permissible, and especially not when it concerns one of the most important figures in the state. How can you say you're a free society when criticism of a man who is vital to the country's image is illegal?

Thanks for the UPES update, Desertman! I knew they were working on something, but I didn't know they had put it up in English. It looks like SADR is finally recognizing that the web is one of its most useful tools for achieving self-determination.

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There was a ban of you tube even in Morocco which is a monarchy - so i think its ok if there are bans wherein heads of state are termed in a derogatory manner.
The difference is that in Thailand the Thai people by and large were supportive of the ban as a video insulted the king.

In morocco i am not sure as to how popular king Mohammed is. But he has to take measures to control his regime.

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