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March 13, 2007


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This makes so much sense, Jim. If everyone in the world would raise their chirdlen with these ideas, there would be no need for nuclear weapons. Little chirdlen are not prejudiced. T0 be prejudiced means to pre-judge, and they do not see color or race. Every culture has so much to offer, and we can all learn to celebrate the differences and enjoy one another's traditions, food, contributions to the arts, etc.


Amongst these are the Donald E. Stephens Conference Heart, utilized for trade exhbtiis and gatherings; the Rosemont Theater, utilized for theatrical functions; and the Allstate Enviornment, applied for concerts, skilled wrestling (3 occasions internet hosting WrestleMania), DePaul Blue Demons Basketball, Chicago Rush enviornment football, and Chicago Wolves hockey. Rosemont is also the sponsor of the Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps.


Oh yeah I know exactly why. But the aoumnt of information he gives is alot for someone to take in that hasn't researched the subject. It needs to be repeated to counteract the propaganda being forced in our brains by the lamestream media. Most people will believe them before they believe Galloway. Which is very sad cause if they take the time to research what he says it's all true.


Parodies may be protected, but these film clips are not a usual pardoy in that they kept the exact film clip of the original; I think that that is against copyright law. They definitely overreacted but they do have legal grounds to ask Google to take them down.


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