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October 18, 2006


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My friend,I dare say that your anti-blog bias may be knepieg you from seeing what I'm trying to do here. Regarding this topic, I really believe that any hobby or non-vocational pursuit (art, sport, music, etc.) that captures our passion and requires a commitment of time and resources, also has the potential to sidetrack us. Golf is an important component of my mental and physical well-being because it generally stands apart from the spiritual, familial, and professional factors that define my life. As such, it helps to keep me balanced and refreshed providing that I don't overindulge or become obsessive about it.It's not my place to preach to others about this or to adopt an accusatory tone in presenting the topic. Instead, I write from a personal perspective and let others take what they may from it. I created this blog as an outlet for sharing some of my reflections and experiences with others; hopefully, in a way that's accessible to them. From a personal perspective, this blog also serves as an ongoing, catalogued journal for future reference and reflection.If you look back on what I've written so far, I think you'll see that I'm not just inanely writing about my daily life. Each of my posts is about a specific topic, allowing the readers access to my thoughts or providing them with a snapshot of a particular incident in my life that drove me to reflection.

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