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August 05, 2006



Does everyone remember that The Presedential Election can be won even if you do not have the National Popular Vote? We have seen it happen.
With the Electoral Vote, most states, it doesn't matter if you vote or not. Most of the candidates running do not even bother to go to these States because it doesn't matter vote wise. They don't even tell you where they stand on all issues/ policies, or what they want to do for our Country etc. WE dont matter to them.
We are in the 21st Century here, there should be no use for the Electoral Vote. The actual vote should be used instead.
Everyone has to get involved here and write to our Representitives stating that they should get it passed that The National Popular Vote get used.
Every state has to get this into a bill to be presented to the Legislatures, when they Convene for 2007.
All 50 states should get involved. So far from what I have read there is only a handfull of States that have been working towards this.
For more info visit www.NationalPopularVote.com and www.every-vote-equal.com


I belive that this isn't right, and is infringing the freedom of speech.

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