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August 23, 2005


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While no one said this during the panel, its clear from hallway talk both here in Aspen and in Washington that the prospects for a Telecom rewrite are fading for this Congress.

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While no one said this during the panel, its clear from hallway talk both here in Aspen

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its clear from hallway talk both here in Aspen and in Washington that the prospects for a Telecom rewrite are fading for this Congress.

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Costs and margins would exlpain why you often get the feeling Vodafone put up with' the iPhone at times, but view it as a necessary evil. Apple seems to have a huge say in final pricing, so the only way VF make money is on long haul contracts which is why you still can't buy one outright from them some 4 months after launch. Official carrier has little credibility on those grounds. Buying outright from Apple still seems the best to me, but then where do I take it? VF has arguably the best coverage in NZ, but data is slow, and their contract call plans are still on-net only. TCNZ has arguably the fastest network but no 2G to fall back on. 2D has excellent call plans but two zone data issues. No matter what phone I end up with there's still a compromise to be made on the carrier side for me at least.(JimmyC has made 54 comments)


Personally, I don't think a three sentence tweet is relmteoy related to openly explaining anything.I believe there may well other reasons behind why Telecom can't manage to be an Official Carrier of the iPhone & I don't think their major Network outages earlier this year, done them any favours whatsoever. Neither do I think a company like Apple (who lets face it, are incredibly anal at times), would be particularly happy that Telecom NZ openly support the use an Unofficial Carrier Settings for their iPhones.Just a few thoughts .Cheers(Grant1010 has made 39 comments)


wouldn't exactly call Telecom's reosinang an excuse. Seems to me they have tried and tried to get the iPhone for the last 24 months and are about ready to call it a day and back the green robot instead.They are a business at the end of the day they have to make money. The iPhone is maximum orders qty (100,000 units) and minimal mark up. One of those alone would be bad enough but both is to much for a non global company.(Paul has made 318 comments)

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