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May 06, 2005


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We are infact maxed out adelary, but I left my computer at work so I can't post about it. I'll make an effort tomorrow to confirm exactly how many we can fit. We should be fine space wise for a few more, but I'm not really sure about chairs and tables. If there turns out to be more space I'll keep the signups open.


We may eventually offer thedared/nested comments on walls. This would allow us to implicitly support the reply feature on walls.In the meantime, we would have to rebuild the reply feature for walls from scratch in order to support it. I'd rather save that development effort for eventually building thedared/nested wall comments, so I'm going to go ahead and mark this as resolved.Please feel free to continue to comment and request this feature! Just resolving it for now to indicate that it's not something we currently plan to build.


estann bien perrones los 4 roiatss el medio azul con blanco y el primero el otro no me gusto pero si me gustaria tener los 6 aii no mames k chidos espero k me los puedan regalar en navidad jajaj 0okk bye

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